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Resolutions & Amendments

38th International Convention - San Francisco, CA (2008)

Celebrating the 30th Anniversary of the AFSCME National Women's Advisory Committee (NWAC)

Resolution No. 79
38th International Convention
Moscone West
July 28 - August 1, 2008
San Francisco, CA

AFSCME represents over 700,000 women in workplaces across America and has a long history of commitment and action to bringing about women’s equality. For decades, AFSCME has led the fight to secure dignity and respect for working women, eliminate discrimination and inequality on the job and in society at large and assure all women have equal access and opportunities for advancement and economic security; and

AFSCME women have always played an essential role in the growth and progress of our union. AFSCME values the important and distinctive contributions made by women who are now 56 percent of the union’s membership; and

Since the 1978 convention, AFSCME has maintained a women’s rights committee that has advised the International Union on economic, legislative and social issues that particularly affect working women; and

Today’s AFSCME National Women’s Advisory Committee  (NWAC) continues in the tradition of its predecessor women’s committees, advocating on behalf of women at the local, state and federal levels, as well as within the International, councils, affiliates and locals; and

The NWAC’s stated mission is “to promote the economic security of women through activism,  to serve as the driving force to motivate and advocate for women’s issues and to provide information on women’s issues, while advocating for equal rights and representation and educating women about politics, leadership roles, union activism and visibility within the union”; and

The NWAC members define their role as ambassadors who help generate local union activities, as facilitators for training programs and workshops on issues of concern to AFSCME women and as political activists who contribute to PEOPLE at the MVP level; and

The NWAC helps to cultivate women’s leadership by providing ideas for women-specific training programs, conferences, women’s committees and networks at the local, regional and national levels.

That AFSCME continue to lead the fight in support of working women’s rights and to press for progressive legislation that will eliminate inequality and promote upward mobility on the job and throughout society. AFSCME will remain committed to securing economic security and social justice for all women; and

That AFSCME seek to have its leadership positions at every level of the union reflect its growing and majority female membership; and 

That the delegates to the 38th AFSCME International Convention commend the National Women’s Advisory Committee on its continuing advocacy on behalf of women and its new approach to incorporate education and training programs as a way to advance the understanding of, and support for, women’s issues; and

That the 38th AFSCME International Convention delegates assembled in San Francisco, California, July 28, 2008, through August 1, 2008, salute the National Women’s Advisory Committee on its 30th anniversary.
SUBMITTED BY: Mary M. Goulding, Delegate
AFSCME Local 3055B, Council 40