That the International Union Constitution, Article IV, Section 12, is amended to read as follows:
Section 12. A delegate representing a local union must, from the twelfth month of the twelve-month period which forms the basis for local union representation until the opening of the convention, be a member in good standing of the local represented. With the exceptions provided in Section 15, however, two or more locals within the same council, organizing committee, state, commonwealth, or territory may unite in sending to the convention a delegate who meets the above qualifications in one of such locals. Before a local may be represented by a delegate who is not a member of the local, the membership of the local shall first vote on the following question: “Shall this local elect as a convention delegate a person who is not a member of this local union?” If the majority of those voting on the question vote in the affirmative, the local may then proceed to elect a delegate in accordance with the above requirements. Any delegate so elected may cast the votes to which the locals are individually entitled. No delegate may represent more than five locals.
Lee Saunders, International President
Laura Reyes, International Secretary-Treasurer