We live in a national climate where elected officials at the state and federal levels have engaged openly in appalling, divisive and bigoted rhetoric directed against transgender individuals, immigrants and individuals of many ethnicities; and
President Trump has signed socially and morally reprehensible and regressive executive orders and enacted policies specifically crafted to discriminate against individuals based on their gender identity, immigration status and/or ethnicity; and
We believe that as a union, we should and must actively seek to encourage diversity, inclusiveness, acceptance, understanding and compassion amongst our fellow brothers and sisters in AFSCME; and
Throughout the labor force and society in general, and insofar as we believe that as members of the historic first public sector employees union in the United States of America, we should be leaders in promoting equality in the workplace and progressive values.
That the delegates to this 43rd International Convention of AFSCME assembled in Boston, Massachusetts, July 16-20, 2018, hereby authorize amending the “Bill of Rights for Union Members” section of the AFSCME International Constitution as shown:
“1. No person otherwise eligible for membership in this union shall be denied membership, on a basis of unqualified equality, because of race, creed, color, national origin, ethnicity, sex, age, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, disability, immigration status, or political belief.”
Paul Spink, President and Delegate
Nancy Anderson, Secretary and Delegate
AFSCME Council 32