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Resolutions & Amendments

46th International Convention - Los Angeles (2024)

An Amendment to the Process for Requesting Political Rebates

Amendment No. 4

That the International Union Constitution, Article IX, Section 14 is amended to read as


Section 14. Any member, except those who are members pursuant to a union shop or similar provision, who objects to the expenditure of any portion of dues for partisan political or ideological purposes shall have the right to dissent from such expenditures. The amount of the Union’s expenditures for such purposes shall be determined annually in the following manner. For the International Union, the International Secretary-Treasurer shall by April 1 each year ascertain the total expenditures of the described kind during the preceding fiscal year, and shall determine there from mathematically the portion of per capita payment or its equivalent which is subject to rebate. For each council and local union which has made expenditures of the described kind, its chief fiscal officer shall make like calculations by April 1 or, if some other date is more appropriate to the council or local fiscal year, then by such other date. An objector shall file written notice of an objection by registered or certified first class mail, postage prepaid, with both the International Secretary-Treasurer and the appropriate subordinate body between April 1 and April 16 of each year, stating those subordinate bodies to which dues payments have been made. An objection may be renewed from year to year by written notification by first class registered or certifiedmail, postage prepaid, to the International Secretary-Treasurer during the stated period each year. An application for partisan political or ideological rebate shall be forwarded to the objector to be completed and returned in accordance with procedures that shall be established by the International President, subject to the approval of the International Executive Board. Such application shall request require the objector to identify the partisan political or ideological activities to which objection is being made.

SUBMITTED BY: International Executive Board