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Resolutions & Amendments

46th International Convention - Los Angeles (2024)

Fully Fund Transit Systems

Resolution No. 4


Affordable and reliable public transit is a vital service that connects working families with their communities and workplaces; and  


AFSCME members protect, operate and maintain public transit systems and services around the country in places such as New York City, Los Angeles, the Bay Area, Albuquerque and others; and 


The rise of ride-sharing platforms such as Uber and Via that rely on low-paid, non-union gig workers pose a continued challenge to transit systems. These platforms can compete directly with public transit, pulling riders away from bus and rail services; and  


The global pandemic had an outsized and lasting impact on transit ridership — commuting  patterns have shifted and telework has expanded. National public transit ridership has recovered only about 80% of pre-pandemic levels as of 2024. None of the largest transit systems in the U.S. have fully recovered. New York City’s MTA remains stalled at 68%, LA Metro at 77% and WMATA in Washington, D.C. sits at 83% of 2019 levels; and 


The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act provided a 40% increase to transit funding for new capital investments and certain operating costs through fiscal year 2026, but open-ended, one-time operating aid from federal pandemic relief bills has largely expired; and 


As a result of the collapse in ridership and the expiration of federal pandemic relief, many transit agencies face a fiscal cliff in the coming years that may require steep fare increases, cuts to existing service or layoffs. 


That AFSCME and its affiliate unions will advocate for and support additional federal funding for public transit operations, allowing transit systems to weather the post-pandemic fiscal cliff, retain critically needed staff members and sustain and enhance service, in order to draw riders back to this vital public service; and  


That AFSCME and its affiliates will encourage local and regional sources of dedicated funding for public transit where appropriate. 

SUBMITTED BY: Lisa Palombi, Delegate 
AFSCME Local 2626 
Veronica L. Gunn, Delegate 
AFSCME Local 3634 
Council 36 