DENVER – More than 225 AFSCME volunteer member organizers (VMOs) from across the country came to Denver last weekend to participate in AFSCME’s 2023 Organizing Summit. It was a powerful opportunity for members to connect and learn more about the backbone of our union: organizing.
The weekend culminated in an army of VMOs going out all over the Denver area to knock on doors and talk to Colorado county workers about the power of being in a union.
For Anthony Lockhart, an elementary school custodian in Cleveland (AFSCME Local 181 (OAPSE)), it was a chance to learn more about how to build AFSCME’s power.
“I’ve been a local president for over 20 years but I’ve never been a VMO,” he said. “This weekend inspired me to go out and continue making our union stronger – not only at my local but all over the country.”
To kick off the weekend, AFSCME President Lee Saunders paid a visit and got members energized and ready for an exciting weekend.
“This is your union – you must lead the way in building it. It all comes down to you,” he said. “You need to take ownership of our collective future. We need you – your passion, your energy, your activism.”
AFSCME VMOs did just that.