Elissa McBride Archive
Iowa Rep. Abby Finkenauer Shared Ideas@AFSCME
Rep. Abby Finkenauer, who was elected last fall to serve Iowa's First Congressional District, joined AFSCME Secretary-Treasurer Elissa McBride to talk about the effect of collective bargaining on Iowans and discuss why she stands with AFSCME.
Here’s the (Union) 411
Union 411 is a new series of videos by Secretary-Treasurer Elissa McBride, in which she highlights the valuable work AFSCME members do.
Union Moms: This is What We Teach Our Kids
Talk about a great Mother’s Day gift. The children and grandchildren of AFSCME members realize the value of unions and appreciate their family’s union activism, writes AFSCME Secretary-Treasurer Elissa McBride.
Ideas@AFSCME: Let's Talk About Taxes!
For the first Ideas@AFSCME Facebook Live chat, we talked about how Americans feel about paying taxes.
To Close the Gender Pay Gap, First a Voice on the Job
Today, April 2, is nationally known as Equal Pay Day for 2019. This date is symbolic because it represents how far into the year women must work to earn what men earned in the previous year.