Lee Saunders Archive
An Era of Scorn for Our Government Workforce
AFSCME Pres. Lee Saunders blasts right-wing politicians who scapegoat and undermine public workers.
No on Neil Gorsuch for the U.S. Supreme Court
AFSCME asks senators to reject Judge Neil Gorsuch for a lifetime appointment to the U.S. Supreme Court.
Trump’s Budget Plan a Disaster for Working People, Poor
President Trump’s budget plan “cuts nearly everything that matters to working families,” said President Lee Saunders. Here’s what it does and doesn’t do.
Saunders to Iowa: We’ll Stand Together and Build Together
Hundreds of Iowa Council 61 members – clad in AFSCME green – flooded the Iowa State Capital this week to stand up against attacks on working people.
The Secret Plan to Tax Your Health Benefits
The Affordable Care Act pulled the country out of a health care crisis. How does the congressional majority show its appreciation? By trying to kill the law.